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woman showing off a sharp jawline which can also be achieved with jawline fillers.

Jawline Filler – Everything You Need To Know


Jawline filler treatments are a popular cosmetic treatment at the clinic, and for very good reason! This treatment can instantly transform and client’s face and boost confidence in just one appointment. In this blog, we explain more about our Jaw filler treatments.

Who is jawline filler suitable for?

Dermal fillers in the jaw are suitable for both women and men. When we analyse a client’s face, we will look at the entire face and consider if the jawline alone will solve the client’s area of concern or if a combined approach is better suited to getting improved results.

Many of our jaw filler clients will have filler in other areas of the face or chin filler treatments to help restore lost volume and offer a more defined jawline.

It can give men a more masculine appearance by allowing us to sculpt the jaw into a more angular contour and support a ‘weak jawline’.

For women, dermal filler can help minimise the appearance of jowls and restore the definition along the jaw for a more youthful appearance.

In some cases, it can improve a double chin and create a straighter jawline.

How do jawline fillers work?

The Jawline dermal fillers we use at the clinic work with the body to stimulate collagen and hyaluronic acid production, which helps reduce the baggy and sagging skin we often see during ageing. This aesthetic treatment is a safe treatment and can be used in several ways;

  • Contouring the jawline to give a sharper appearance.
  • Creating harmonious balance, a much-desired oval-looking jawline, and an improved facial profile.
  • Softening the overall impression of an ageing face, where gravity plays a significant role.
  • To balance the face and correct any asymmetry in the face.
  • Like all dermal filler treatments, the filler is strategically injected underneath your skin to sculpt and plump the skin. We apply a topical anaesthetic before injecting, and our dermal fillers also include a built-in anaesthetic to reduce discomfort.

The results are instant but continue to improve over the next couple of weeks after treatment as the hyaluronic acid dermal filler settles and collaborates with the body’s natural processing.

How do I prepare for jawline filler?

Leading up to your jawline filler appointment, we advise avoiding taking aspirin, ibuprofen, and NSAIDs for at least ten days before treatment. Drinking alcohol and taking fish oil and vitamin E can also lead to more bruising. You can continue with normal activities, such as going to the gym and exercising, but we recommend avoiding facials a few days before your treatment. Facials can make the skin sensitive or sore, so avoiding them makes sense before treatment.

Why Choose a Nonsurgical Jawline Contouring?

Non-surgical procedures like this one offered in the clinic have far less downtime and far less risk than surgery. Another popular treatment at our Kent aesthetics clinic is our non-surgical rhinoplasty. Dermal filler treatments are also reversible, and because results fade with time, it’s not a permanent choice, which many people prefer.

Is Non-Surgical Jawline Contouring Safe?

Jaw fillers are a safe procedure. With each injection, you may feel some pressure and mild discomfort, but this shouldn’t last more than 48 hours.

At Intrigue Cosmetic Clinic, you are in safe, experienced hands. Our training and expertise go beyond facial anatomy; we are the experts in Injecting into facial structures with knowledge and artistry. Our lead Aesthetics practitioner Amish Patel is also an aesthetics trainer, teaching students from all over the world.

Your injector should use a thicker filler than one they would use for lip fillers to ensure that skin laxity benefits fully from your treatment. It is an effective treatment and ideal for anyone seeking a safe, non-surgical treatment.

Why Should I Have Jawline Filler At Intrigue Cosmetic Clinic?

As Kent’s leading aesthetics clinic, dermal filler injections are our speciality. You can see the results and positive effects of jawline fillers on our Results page. We use only the finest facial fillers with the best safety record and for the best results.

We are a dermal filler specialist clinic with multiple awards to our name, giving our filler patients total confidence.

What Aftercare Do I Need For Jawline Filler?

After your treatment, you may experience some bruising or swelling, but this should disperse over time. To get the best possible results, we recommend avoiding strenuous exercise for the first 48 hours, protecting your skin from sunlight and avoiding applying make-up to the treatment area.

How Long Does Jaw Filler Last?

Dermal fillers can last up to 18 months but vary considerably from client to client. Factors on longevity depend on age, the amount of dermal filler applied, and if you have ever had dermal filler previously in the area.

Maintain fillers by protecting your skin from the sun, wearing high sunscreen, avoiding hot steam rooms, eating a healthy diet full of superfoods, and drinking lots of water.

What is the cost of jawline filler?

The cost will depend on the amount of filler you have. Prices at the clinic with our lead aesthetics practitioner start at £300.

Interested in this treatment? Book a consultation HERE.


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